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Past Life Regression

Past Life Information


I offer several styles of Past Life Regression. There is a longer version that has an interview process that helps us understand your inner language to pinpoint emotions that are the under-current in your life. This leads me to be able to structure a meaningful experience using your emotions to lead us to a specific past life that is currently effecting you. Or there is a shorter version available that is still meaningful but doesn't go into as many personal details in the beginning.  I listen to your words and based on your desired outcome, formulate a plan for your session.

Both are effective but different styles.  I've had people who have done both and like both and appreciate having more then one way to achieve their objective. 

2 hour Past Life Regression Session -  $350.00                                            




3 hour Past Life Regression Session -  $500.00



Additional time billed at $150.00/hr.


Another option available is Past Life Viewing,™ where Shannon sees client's Past Lives for them. A conversation and interview process is still part of how Shannon tunes into the Past Life that will bring you the information that you are looking for. 


2 hour Past Life Viewing Session - $350.00



A technique that has been around since the 1800’s, with major advancements in the last 50 years. It is a way to promote healing, provide deeper understanding of yourself and your relationships with family and romantic partners, find solutions to life issues, find spiritual guidance, find direction, explore your subconscious, to release old traumas, trapped emotions and more. The possibility to bring forward talents, skills or abilities from other lifetimes.


Past life Regression has had a miraculous effect on myself and many others. There is so much that can be explored, experienced and shifting of energy to propel you forward, bring forth desired qualities into your everyday life. You do not have to believe in past lives in order to benefit from this technique. Session begins with preparing you for how the process works, customizing it to your needs and your desired outcome, then the regression and ends with integrating the information afterwards.


It has been estimated that more than one third of all people today believe in past lives. Perhaps belief in reincarnation is so widespread because many people have had experiences where they feel as though they "have been here before". Many describe feelings of familiarity, which are simply too deep and forceful to be explained by experiences that they remember from this lifetime.

Anyone can remember his or her past lives. With Past Life Regression training or private sessions, we can help you discover why, for example:


  • you like certain architecture or why you are drawn to certain clothing styles - i.e. casual, formal, military, gypsy, peasant, etc.

  • It may lead you to discover why you have certain food preferences or why you are drawn to certain cultures.

  • why you are drawn to a certain climate or a particular time period, or periods of time for which you have an intense interest? Like in an epoch event in history or even in a given mythology can point to a past life in that era.


When someone is drawn again and again to a particular place, or a kind of place, this may relate to a past life spent in that area. (note: especially the emotional response to that location). 


People often encounter fears and phobias that cannot be resolved even after years of work with traditional therapy, sometimes these can often be traced to experiences which occurred in past lives. Additionally, think of your talents and abilities, and the things that came easily to you - almost as if you already knew them! This is one explanation for child prodigies.


There is often a strong correlation between illnesses and injuries that occur in the present life and similar experiences that have occurred in past lives.


Why Past Life Regressions Work


Past Life Regressions sometimes work to gain results when other methods have failed. It is not necessary to believe in reincarnation for it to be effective. Many clients' lives transform by this kind of practice, even though they did not believe in reincarnation. Even if the images that arise aren't "true" past life memories, the images are nevertheless symbols from within and they have value.


Past Life Regressionss are effective because they get right down to the roots of problems. Many times other forms of healing are addressing the symptoms rather than the causes of problems. When the roots of a challenge lie in a past life, working with present life issues will only have limited results. Trying to deal with recurrent challenges can be like mowing over dandelions. Every time you mow them over, they pop up again and will keep doing so until you actually dig down into the roots.


Many present day difficulties emerge in order to address issues that have gone unresolved through lifetime after lifetime. The problem is not so much the traumas that occurred in past lifetimes, as much as the negative decisions surrounding the event that were suppressed at the time, and thus became lodged in the energy field. It is these subsequent beliefs regarding that past life event, which cause the recurring problems that persist through one reincarnation after another.


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