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Past Life Regression Training

Past Life Regression and Guided Meditation Training

Past Life Regression and Guided Meditation Professional Certification Course  

7-day intensive on-site course will be held October 5-11, 2021 at

Waterwood Healing Center, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49048

(Lunch and local transportation included).


Here’s some info about the class:


  • Learn to guide others and yourself through a Past Life Regression

  • Learn to make your own guided meditations and Past Life Regressions

  • Learn to customize your guided meditations and Past Life Regressions for your group or client for a particular outcome

  • Find your personal guide, guardian or Angel

  • Bring forth an ability, talent or skill from past lives

  • Activate inner healing and guidance

  • Learn the needed steps and techniques for the beginning, middle and end of Guided Meditations and Past Life Regressions.

  • Learn phrases to help your client find why they have regressed to a particular past life

  • Learn to set up your space for a successful regression

  • Learn techniques to release residual issues from past lives

  • Incorporate information/guidance from past lives into present everyday life

  • Learning to plant seeds for success and transformation into a regression and guided meditation

  • Additional techniques for removing fears

  • Learn four (5) different methods to use Oracle Cards in regressions and guided meditations.

  • Learn information to work with others to enhance their abilities

  • Find your Spirit Animal/Totem

  • You will experience giving and receiving Past Life Regressions in class

  • Shannon will see one of your past live for you and tell you how she does it.

  • Become Certified in Past Life Regression and Guided Meditation by Waterwood Healing Center


Cost: $5555.00


This fee includes the professional certification, delicious lunchtime meals, and ground transportation daily from your lodging.




To register for this class:


$555 deposit due when registering. The button below will allow you to enter credit card data or bank info to pay by PayPal. You may also send a check or money order to our main address.


Remember: This is a limited class size of eight (8) and Shannon will be sending energy to aid in the learning and healing. It is to your benefit to register sooner rather than later. Plan on registering as early as possible to guarantee your spot!


The balance due for the course must be paid two weeks before class begins.


It will be such a joy to have you in my class and to spend this special time with you! Of course, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at any time by cell, text or email.


More information about your instructor:


Shannon Oehmke has been in love with Past Life Regression work since her first experience back in 2007. She was invited to join her sister-in-law in Las Vegas for an “I Can Do It” Conference. Shannon, having no knowledge of metaphysical stuff, was asked to join her sister-in-law in a Past Lives workshop given by Denise Linn. In that workshop, Shannon participated in a large group Past Life Regression.


During her regression, she was able to change the past even though Shannon did not believe in past lives at that time. Her fibromyalgia started to disappear that very evening following the workshop. Shannon continued to dream of that past life for several more nights and was so moved and amazed by the experience that she wanted to learn how to do Past Life work herself.


Shannon has trained with several teachers but her most powerful teacher has been spirit.   Spirit has added to her talents and given her ways to help people get more out of the experience. Shannon has been practicing and studying Past Life Regression since 2007. She has been learning and collecting information along her journey.  A manual will be provided written by Shannon and she will share her own additional techniques that she has found to add to the experience and effectiveness of the Past Life Regression process.


It is said that the percentage of the world’s population that believes in past lives is more than 50%.  Although belief in past lives isn’t necessary to get results from doing Past Life Regression, it is another way to tap into your inner wisdom.


It is not my purpose to prove that any past lives exist. Everything that comes up during a regression/meditation is a potential key to something you need to know. The ability to release pain, anxiety, fears and more, is available by using the tools of Past Life Regression for the potential of healing and learning and deeper understanding of one’s self.


These techniques can be used for chakra healing, relaxation, improved sleep, finding spirit guides and allies, decision-making, planting seeds for your future, bringing dreams into reality, finding inner peace, understanding your purpose in the world and more. What you do with your skills after my class of Past Life Regression Certification is up to you.  You will be able to use these skills on yourself and others, adding it to your offerings as a professional or just use it to help your own life. If you wish to use these skills professionally, it is recommended that you have additional skills in coaching or therapy or something of that sort to help deal with emotional issues that could come up when working with a client.


It does not matter whether you believe in past lives or that your client believes.  It can bring forth results regardless of belief. Whether you believe that you can actually change the past or not does not matter. Your soul knows the truth!


If you perceive that it has changed, it will shift your energy allowing great potential for new possibilities.  All of life is our perception of the truth of what has occurred, the past is malleable and how we perceive it can be changed. That perception whether good, bad or neutral, reflects on our state of well-being right now. How we go through our everyday life is greatly influenced by every experience we have ever had, in this life or past lives.


I was a non-believer and attended a group workshop on Past Life Regression. During a group regression I was able to see a life that had a direct influence on my life and the illness I had at the time, Fibromyalgia.  I did not realize at that time, that experiencing that regression could have a healing effect on me and forever change my life. After my experience, I wanted and needed to know how to take myself and others through the regression process.  Since then my love for this work has grown. 


Many have asked Shannon if she would teach a Past Life Regression course to allow them to go deeper into the subject matter, and to have time to practice this skill under her tutelage, and to be certified in Past Life Regression by Waterwood Healing Center.



As with any modality, outcomes cannot be guaranteed, but limits on potential healing are not there either. This experience is sure to bring wonderful people together for learning and healing. 



Are you ready to change your life? The ability for a better future, a different life right now?

It is possible with Past Life Regression Certification - with no limits on what can be changed, even if you don’t believe.


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