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Reiki for Children
Teaching Reiki to children (ages 4 - 13), is done in a simplified class, while giving them full use of the Reiki energy. Class time is a shorter version than that of the regular Reiki classes. The Reiki classes for children start with just Usui/Reiki I, and includes:


  • Short discussion on what Reiki is and how it works

  • How the students can use Reiki on their family, pets and themselves

  • A discussion of how Reiki came to be discovered in a story form

  • the attunement/placement process that gives them the ability to channel Reiki energy

  • how to scan the body to know where Reiki is needed

  • how to use Reiki on themselves and others with practice time

  • Kenyoku dry bathing helps remove negative energy from the body

  • Gassho meditation practices

The class can be adjusted depending on the age and the attention span of the child or children being taught.
It is suggested that a parent or guardian take the Reiki I & II class prior to training the child, so they can encourage the child to learn and use Reiki when the child takes their class, while also enjoying all of the benefits of Reiki themselves.
A Reiki manual and pictures are provided for the adult to read and share with the child, as age or abilities require.
Holy Fire II Usui/Reiki II is also available children, with a shorter version of our adult class. Please inquire for further details and information.
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