Simple reasons for adding Reiki to your life
Simple reasons for adding Reiki to your life: Protect your energy Raise your vibration Integrate Reiki into your everyday routine. Many...
Reasons to do Reiki
Reasons to do Reiki: Raise your vibration Get sick less Stay in your own emotions Have a volume control on how you feel Preventative care...
Choosing a teacher
I have always thought it mattered who you have as a teacher.  Maybe because I was so challenged when learning as a child, that getting...
Becoming A Reiki Master
In our classes at Waterwood Healing Center: Most of our students take the Master level so they can benefit from two more symbols and a...
Healing Spirit Doll Workshop February 4, 2018 - Canton, Michigan 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
I am teaching a Special Healing Spirit Doll Workshop February 4, 2018 from 5:30 PM - 7 PM Taught by Waterwood Healing Center at Pilates...
Clearing energy from second hand items
I was recently asked by a client if she should worry about the energy of second hand clothes. That’s a great question and most people...
Are you an energetic garbage collector?
Do you feel worn down? Overwhelmed by life? Do you sometimes feel drained by people merely talking you? Do you ever enter rooms or a...
Inspire & Love
I am inspired today to write by a student of mine. She will know that this is for her, but it will resonate and be helpful to many. This...
A story of pain-free child birth...... and in record time!
I had a Reiki student that wanted to start a family. Inga had been trying to get pregnant and had been unsuccessful. She wanted to know...
Living in the Present
As I was scooping dog droppings from my yard today I was thinking of how my mother would say matter-of-factly, “if I had to do that I...